Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Step 7: Home Management Journal

Step 7.

1. We found a old three ring binder and put it on our kitchen counter.

2. Write down a simple Before Bed Routine.

3. Write down a simple Morning Routine.

4. Write down an Afternoon/After School/After Work Routine.

This is your first section in your Control Journal. You can put a tab for Daily Routines or just leave them as they are. Put them in a sheet protector and use the front and back. Start with your before bed routine as first; since I believe that it is the most important routine of the day!

The next section we are working on is our Basic Weekly Plan.

5. Write the Days of the week down one sheet of paper.

6. By Monday-Friday write; Do Kelly's Zone Mission for the day!

This is a work in progress, just like you are. Do not let your perfectionism keep you from even getting started.

All of this information is from Flylady.net. Thanks, Flylady!


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